時間:2014年09月16日 來源:新浪博友“正能量粒子” 點擊量: 分享:

今天在美國能源部網(wǎng)站看到了《Quarterly Nuclear Deployment Scorecard - January 2014》,對當前美國民用核能的情況進行了綜述,現(xiàn)翻譯如下。


原文地址:http://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/01/f6/January Deployment Scorecard 2014.pdf

News Updates

•Luminant has requested a suspension of the NRC’s review of its Comanche Peak Combined Construction and Operating License (COL) application. The company cited impacts to the review schedule of the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries US Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (US-APWR) due to the vendor’s desire to refocus its resources to reactor restarts in Japan as well as low electricity prices driven by low natural gas prices as reasons for the suspension.
•Unistar Nuclear Operating Co. has formally withdrawn its COL application from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to build and operate Areva’s U.S. EPR at its Nine Mile Point site in Oswego, NY. In late 2009, Unistar requested a suspension of the application review due to financial concerns. Low electricity prices and inability to obtain a loan guarantee for the project were factors in Unistar’s decision to withdraw the application.
•The NRC has formally extended the expiration date of the construction permit for the Watts Bar 2 reactor to September 2016. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) requested the extension in 2012 following lower than expected initial construction productivity and to allow for additional time to address regulatory changes resulting from the Fukushima Daiichi accident. TVA’s “most likely estimate to complete” date remains December 2015.
•The Department of Energy announced an award to NuScale Power LLC in December to support a new project to design, certify and help commercialize innovative small modular reactors (SMRs) in the United States. The NuScale Power Module design allows for incremental units of 45MWe to be constructed up to a maximum of 540MWe (12 units) at a given plant.


Luminant(Comanche Peak 核電站業(yè)主)已要求NRC暫緩對Comanche Peak核電站建造和運營聯(lián)合申請的審查。


•NRC正式將Watts Bar2反應(yīng)堆的建造許可證延期到2016年9月。田納西河流域管理局(TVA,Watts Bar核電站業(yè)主)估計將會在2015年12月前完成建造。


Regulatory Status

•Eighteen Combined Construction and Operating License (COL) applications have been docketed, eight of which (totaling 12 nuclear reactors) remain under active NRC review.NRC reviews of eight applications were suspended due to utility economic considerations.Review of the Fermi and South Texas Project applications could continue after submittal of additional technical information; in addition, the South Texas Project and Calvert Cliffs applications face foreign ownership issues.The Reference COL (R-COL) application has been submitted for five reactor designs; subsequent COLs (S-COLs) will incorporate the corresponding R-COL application by reference, noting any site-specific departures. Southern Nuclear’s Vogtle Units 3 and 4 and SCE&G’s VC Summer Units 2 and 3 have received COLs.

•登記在案的有18份COL申請,其中的8份(總計12座反應(yīng)堆)NRC仍在審查。NRC審查的8份申請因經(jīng)濟考量推遲。Fermi和South Texas項目的申請在補交附加的技術(shù)信息后將可以繼續(xù);另外South Texas和Calvert Cliffs項目申請還面臨外國股權(quán)問題。參考COL(R-COL)申請已提交了五中設(shè)計;隨后的COL(S-COLs)將會依據(jù)廠址特性對R-COL進行修正。南方核能的Votle以及南卡州電力燃氣公司的VC Summer#2、3機組已經(jīng)收到了COLs。

Summary:Two reactor designs that are being considered for future builds in the U.S. are certified and two renewal applications are under NRC review.

•AREVA U.S.-EPR – Submitted December 12, 2007 and docketed February 25, 2008; certification schedule is under review.
•GE-Hitachi (GEH) ESBWR – Final Design Approval in March 2011; rulemaking expected 2014.
•Mitsubishi Heavy Industries US-APWR – Submitted December 31, 2007 and docketed February 29, 2008; MHI has requested a deferral of the review due to their work on reactor restarts in Japan.
•Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) APR1400 – Pre-application interactions continue. Design certification application submitted on September 30, 2013; NRC declined to docket the application at this time due to lack of sufficient technical detail.
•GEH ABWR – Certified in 1997. Toshiba and GEH have also separately submitted Design Certification renewal applications that are currently under review.
•Westinghouse AP1000 – Amended design certified on December 30, 2011.

•AREVA US-EPR:2007年12月12日提交申請,2008年2月25日正式受理;認證計劃正在審查。

•GEH ESBWR:2011年3月,最終設(shè)計批準;計劃2014年頒發(fā)規(guī)制文件。

•三菱重工 US-APWR:2007年12月31日提交申請,2008年2月29日登記在案;MHI因正忙于日本核電重啟而要求推遲審查;

•KEPCO APR1400:繼續(xù)預申請前的互動,2013年9月30日提交設(shè)計認證申請;由于缺乏足夠的技術(shù)詳資,NRC當時拒絕受理。
•GEH ABWR:1997年完成認證,東芝和GEH分別提交的設(shè)計認證更新申請正在審查。
•Westinghouse AP1000:修改后的設(shè)計認證于2011年12月30日被批復。

Early Site Permits (ESP)

Summary:Four ESPs issued; one under review:

•PSEG submitted an ESP application for its nuclear plant site in Salem County, New Jersey, on May 25, 2010. The final safety evaluation report (SER) and environmental impact statement (EIS) are expected in the first quarter of 2015.
•The following ESPs have been issued:Exelon – Clinton (IL), 3/15/07; Entergy – Grand Gulf (MS), 4/5/07; Dominion – North Anna (VA), 11/27/07; Southern – Vogtle site (GA), 08/26/09.


•2010年5月25日,PSEG提交了新澤西州Salem Couty核電站廠址ESP申請。預計2015年一季度將發(fā)布最終安全評價報告(SER)和環(huán)境影響報告書(EIS)。
•下述4份ESP已簽署:Exelon——Exelon公司 – Clinton (伊利諾伊州), 2007年3月15日; Entergy公司 – Grand Gulf (密西西比州),2007年4月5日;Dominion公司–North Anna (弗吉尼亞州),2007年11月27日; Southern公司– Vogtle廠址(喬治亞州),2009年08月26日。

New Plant Construction Progress

Summary:Full nuclear construction has begun for V.C. Summer Units 2 and 3 and Vogtle Units 3 and 4. TVA is proceeding with the completion of the Watts Bar 2.


概述:VC Summer核電站#2/3機組和Vogtle核電站#3/4機組均已開工;TVA正在推進Watts Bar 2的完工。


•Engineering, procurement and construction of the facility is approximately 50 percent complete, based on contractual milestone completion. Cooling towers for both units are more than 50% complete.
•Unit 3:Fabrication and setting of the Unit 3 containment vessel bottom head is complete. Module CA04 (the reactor vessel housing module) has been placed in the Containment Vessel Bottom Head (CVBH).
•Unit 4:Nuclear island concrete basemat is in place. Construction of unit 4 CVBH is essentially complete.





VC Summer

•Unit 2:Module CA04 (the reactor vessel housing module) has been placed in the CVBH. Fabrication and placement of condensers and turbine building support structures continue. Fabrication and testing of step up transformers has been completed. Cooling tower 2A structural work is substantially complete.
•Unit 3: Nuclear island basemat placement is complete. Construction of unit 3 CVBH is underway. Work is continuing on the cooling towers. Critical path for completion of both units continues to be defined by progress in delivery of submodules from the Chicago Bridge and Iron (CB&I) Lake Charles facility and module assembly and completion of concrete structures on site.

VC Summer



Watts Bar 2

•Project is transitioning from performing bulk construction work to completion, testing, and turnover of individual systems; the physical plant is approximately 80% complete. The Essential Raw Cooling Water, Component Cooling Water, and flood mode boration systems have been completed and were turned over for pre-operational testing ahead of schedule.

Watts Bar 2


Expected Operation Dates

•TVA expects Watts Bar 2 to be completed by late 2015.
•Southern Nuclear’s Vogtle Units 3 and 4 are expected to come online in 2017 and 2018, respectively.
•SCE&G’s VC Summer Units 2 and 3 are expected to come online in late 2017 and 2019, respectively.
•Florida Power and Light’s Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 originally expected to come online in 2022 and 2023. COLA schedule is under review; changes are likely to result in project delays.
•Duke Energy’s Levy site expects the first unit to come online in 2024 and the second unit to follow 18 months later.
•Duke Energy has set a target date of 2024 for completion of the first unit at the William States Lee site.
•Dominion has set an “earliest possible” in-service date of 2024 for North Anna 3.


•TVA預計Watts Bar 2將于2015年底完工;


•南卡州電力燃氣公司VC Summer #2、3機組計劃于2017、2019年投運;

•佛羅里達電燈公司最初計劃于2022、2023將Turkey Point #6、7機組投運,但COLA(COL申請)尚在審查中,預計會延遲;


•Dominion設(shè)定了North Anna 3投運“最早可能”時間為2024年。






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